Rice Purity Test Quiz Questions

eneral Rice Purity Test Questions For Quiz

1 ) Held hands romantically?
2 ) Been on a date?
3 ) Been in a relationship?
4 ) Danced without leaving room for Jesus?
5 ) Kissed a non-family member?
6 ) Kissed a non-family member on the lips?
7 ) French kissed?
8 ) French kissed in public?
9 ) Kissed on the neck?
10 ) Kissed horizontally?
11 ) Given or received a hickey?
12 ) Kissed or been kissed on the breast?
13 ) Kissed someone below the belt?
14 ) Kissed for more than two hours consecutively?
15 ) Played a game involving stripping?
16 ) Seen or been seen by another person in a sensual context?
17 ) Masturbated?
18 ) Masturbated to a picture or video?
19 ) Ingested someone else’s genital secretion?
20 ) Used a sex toy with a partner?
21 ) Spent the night with a MPS?
22 ) Been walked in on while engaging in a sexual act?
23 ) Kicked a roommate out to commit a sexual act?
24 ) Ingested alcohol in a non-religious context?
25 ) Played a drinking game?
26 ) Been drunk?
27 ) Faked sobriety to parents or teachers?
28 ) Had severe memory loss due to alcohol?
29 ) Used tobacco?
30 ) Used marijuana?
31 ) Used a drug stronger than marijuana?
32 ) Used methamphetamine, crack cocaine, PCP, horse tranquilizers or heroin?
33 ) Been sent to the office of a principal, dean or judicial affairs representative for a disciplinary infraction?
34 ) Been put on disciplinary probation or suspended?
35 ) Urinated in public?
36 ) Gone skinny-dipping?
37 ) Gone streaking?
38 ) Seen a stripper?
39 ) Had the police called on you?
40 ) Run from the police?
41 ) Had the police question you?
42 ) Had the police handcuff you?
43 ) Been arrested?
44 ) Been convicted of a crime?
45 ) Been convicted of a felony?
46 ) Committed an act of vandalism?
47 ) Had sexual intercourse?
48 ) Had sexual intercourse three or more times in one night?
49 ) Had sexual intercourse with a virgin?
50 ) Had sexual intercourse without a condom?
51 ) Had a STI test due to reasonable suspicion?
52 ) Had a STI?
53 ) Had a threesome?
54 ) Attended an orgy?
55 ) Had two or more distinct acts of sexual intercourse with two or more people within 24 hours?
56 ) Had sexual intercourse with five or more partners?
57 ) Been photographed or filmed during sexual intercourse by yourself or others?
58 ) Had period sex?
59 ) Had anal sex?
60 ) Had a pregnancy scare?
61 ) Impregnated someone or been impregnated?
62 ) Paid or been paid for a sexual act?
63 ) Committed an act of voyeurism?
64 ) Committed an act of incest?
65 ) Engaged in bestiality?
66 ) Masturbated while someone else was in the room?
67 ) Been caught masturbating?
68 ) Masturbated with an inanimate object?
69 ) Seen or read pornographic material?
70 ) Massaged or been massaged sensually?
71 ) Gone through the motions of intercourse while fully dressed?
72 ) Undressed or been undressed by a MPS (member of the preferred sex)?
73 ) Showered with a MPS?
74 ) Fondled or had your butt cheeks fondled?
75 ) Fondled or had your breasts fondled?
76 ) Fondled or had your genitals fondled?
77 ) Had or given “blue balls”?
78 ) Had an orgasm due to someone else’s manipulation?
79 ) Sent a sexually explicit text or instant message?
80 ) Sent or received sexually explicit photographs?
81 ) Engaged in sexually explicit activity over video chat?
82 ) Cheated on a significant other during a relationship?
83 ) Purchased contraceptives?
84 ) Gave oral sex?
85 ) Received oral sex?
86 ) Had sexual intercourse 10 or more times?
87 ) Had sexual intercourse in four or more positions?
88 ) Had sexual intercourse with a stranger or person you met within 24 hours?
89 ) Had sexual intercourse in a motor vehicle?
90 ) Had sexual intercourse outdoors?
91 ) Had sexual intercourse in public?
92 ) Had sexual intercourse in a swimming pool or hot tub?
93 ) Had sexual intercourse in a bed not belonging to you or your partner?
94 ) Had sexual intercourse while you or your partner’s parents were in the same home?
95 ) Had sexual intercourse with non-participating third party in the same room?
96 ) Joined the mile high club?
97 ) Participated in a “booty call” with a partner whom you were not in a relationship with?
98 ) Traveled 100 or more miles for the primary purpose of sexual intercourse?
99 ) Had sexual intercourse with a partner with a 3 or more year age difference?
100 ) Had sex with a virgin? (not yourself.)

Girls/Women Rice Purity Test Questions For Quiz

1 ) Used tickling as a pick-up, get-to-know-you-better routine?
2 ) Asked someone who was not your so or had ever been if they were a virgin?
3 ) Had the symptoms of roman hands (roamin’ hands)?
4 ) Dropped subtle hints to someone whom you liked, hoping for a reaction?
5 ) Shared sleeping accommodations with someone without steamy happenings?
6 ) Used physical prowess as a pickup routine?
7 ) secretly lusted after someone without that person knowing?
8 ) Written anonymous (love letters) to someone?
9 ) Foot masturbated someone?
10 ) Given a back or neck rub or massage with no ulterior motive?
11 ) Fantasized about someone you know personally but not closely?
12 ) Ever had a subscription to pornographic periodicals?
13 ) Read sexually explicit literature?
14 ) Verbally expressed obscenities?
15 ) Fantasized about anyone and masturbated at the same time?
16 ) Had an arousing dream? (wet dreams and the like.)
17 ) Fantasizied about someone in a superior position to you?
18 ) Read or bought pornographic periodicals?
19 ) Propositioned someone for sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation?
20 ) Had anal sex? (the use of fingers or any phallic objects in this case would also count.)
21 ) Been involved in fist-fucking?
22 ) Had sex with someone when there was an age difference of more than 20 years?
23 ) Had sex with someone whose face you never saw?
24 ) Done 69? (simultaneous oral sex.)
25 ) Had sex with someone whose name you didn’t know? (and still don’t know.)
26 ) Been a participant in a who’s-physically-better-equipped verification contest?
27 ) Yielded willingly to a proposition from someone for sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation?
28 ) Received money or favors for sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation?
29 ) Had an orgasm while petting?
30 ) Gave your partner an orgasm while petting?
31 ) Attempted to seduce someone?
32 ) Fondled someone who was asleep?
33 ) Gave money or favors for sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation?
34 ) Had sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation with more than 10 people?
35 ) Had an orgasm at all?
36 ) Kissed anyone on their head/neck region as a friendly gesture?
37 ) Held hands with someone?
38 ) Had a date past 1 a.m.?
39 ) Slow danced?
40 ) Had the symptoms of russian fingers (rushin’ fingers)?
41 ) Dated someone on a regular basis?
42 ) Been picked up?
43 ) Had a date?
44 ) Picked someone up?
45 ) Gone steady?
46 ) Allowed yourself to be seduced?
47 ) Been a judge in a contest such as above?
48 ) Been sexually aroused?
49 ) Fantasizied about someone in a professional relationship with you?
50 ) Made obscene phone calls?
51 ) Phoned up any recorded phone sex numbers? (e.g. 976-fuck)
52 ) Shaved your genital pubic hair?
53 ) Masturbated?
54 ) Gone skinny dipping alone?
55 ) Colored or bleached your genital pubic hair?
56 ) Phoned up any live phone sex numbers?
57 ) Shaved your genital pubic hair on a fairly regular basis?
58 ) Stuffed your bra?
59 ) Shaved or shaped your genital pubic hair in a particular design?
60 ) Chewed tobacco? (snuff)
61 ) passed out due to having drunk too much alcohol?
62 ) Taken depressants excluding alcohol?
63 ) Smoked tobacco? (cigarette, pipe, cigar, hookah)
64 ) Thrown up from having drunk too much alcohol?
65 ) Taken stimulants?
66 ) Inhaled nitrous oxide while not visiting a dentist?
67 ) Had an alcoholic drink?
68 ) Forgotten events that occurred while you were drunk?
69 ) Been intoxicated?
70 ) Used a commercial aphrodisiac?
71 ) Taken pcp more than twice?
72 ) Taken lsd, peyote, or psilocybin more than twice?
73 ) Used cocaine more than four times?
74 ) Injected any drugs into your body for any other purpose other than medical?
75 ) Taken pcp?
76 ) Taken d-lysergic acid diethylamide (lsd-25), peyote, or psilocybin?
77 ) Inhaled anything containing butyl nitrate?
78 ) Used cocaine?
79 ) Injected any one drug into your body for any purpose other than medical more than twice?
80 ) Kissed on the first date?
81 ) Petted below the waist?
82 ) French kissed?
83 ) Propositioned someone for necking or petting?
84 ) Kissed someone else below the neck but not including arms or hands?
85 ) Petted above the waist?
86 ) Pinched or patted someone else’s buttocks?
87 ) Propositioned someone for sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation?
88 ) Been kissed below the neck but not including arms or hands?
89 ) Necked?
90 ) Petted below the waist on the first date?
91 ) Had your ear or ear region licked, breathed upon, sucked, or nibbled?
92 ) Given a hickey?
93 ) Been involved with pelvic thrusting while fully clothed?
94 ) Received a hickey?
95 ) Had your frontal chest/torso region fondled or stroked?
96 ) Necked on the first date?
97 ) Licked or sucked someone else’s finger(s)?
98 ) Petted above the waist on the first date?
99 ) Had your fingers licked or sucked?
100 ) Had sex with a virgin? (not yourself.)

Boys/Man Rice Purity Test Questions For Quiz

1 ) Practiced domination?
2 ) Kissed on the first date?
3 ) Propositioned someone for necking or petting?
4 ) Petted above the waist?
5 ) Had sex in front of or under a mirror?
6 ) Physically watched others having sex?
7 ) Been a judge in a contest such as above?
8 ) Had an orgasm while petting?
9 ) Had a date past 1 a.m.?
10 ) willingly committed incest?
11 ) Gone steady?
12 ) Dated someone on a regular basis?
13 ) Had the symptoms of russian fingers (rushin’ fingers)?
14 ) Held hands with someone?
15 ) Picked someone up?
16 ) Kissed anyone on their head/neck region as a friendly gesture?
17 ) watched while someone else masturbated
18 ) Phoned up any recorded phone sex numbers? (e.g. 976-fuck)
19 ) Chewed tobacco? (snuff)
20 ) Taken stimulants?
21 ) Been intoxicated?
22 ) Inhaled nitrous oxide while t visiting a dentist?
23 ) Taken depressants excluding alcohol?
24 ) Had your frontal chest/torso region fondled or stroked?
25 ) Had your ear or ear region licked, breathed upon, sucked, or nibbled?
26 ) Had your fingers licked or sucked?
27 ) Done 69? (simultaneous oral sex.)
28 ) Had sex doggie fashion?
29 ) Had sex with someone when there was an age difference of more than 20 years?
30 ) Had sex with someone whose name you didn’t kw? (and still don’t kw.)
31 ) Had sex with someone whose face you never saw?
32 ) Been a participant in a who’s-physically-better-equipped verification contest?
33 ) Been involved in fist-fucking?
34 ) Propositioned someone for sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation?
35 ) Had sex with a virgin? (t yourself.)
36 ) Used cocaine more than four times?
37 ) Inhaled anything containing butyl nitrate?
38 ) Used cocaine?
39 ) Eaten marijuana/sensemilia?
40 ) Forgotten events that occurred while you were drunk?
41 ) passed out due to having drunk too much alcohol?
42 ) Smoked tobacco? (cigarette, pipe, cigar, hookah)
43 ) Had an alcoholic drink?
44 ) Thrown up from having drunk too much alcohol?
45 ) Used a commercial aphrodisiac?
46 ) Injected any drugs into your body for any other purpose other than medical?
47 ) Taken lsd, peyote, or psilocybin more than twice?
48 ) Injected any one drug into your body for any purpose other than medical more than twice?
49 ) Taken d-lysergic acid diethylamide (lsd-25), peyote, or psilocybin?
50 ) had sex standing up
51 ) Kissed someone else below the neck but t including arms or hands?
52 ) Propositioned someone for sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation?
53 ) French kissed?
54 ) Been kissed below the neck but t including arms or hands?
55 ) Petted above the waist on the first date?
56 ) Taken nude pictures of someone else?
57 ) Licked or sucked someone else’s finger(s)?
58 ) Been involved with pelvic thrusting while fully clothed?
59 ) Petted below the waist on the first date?
60 ) Necked on the first date?
61 ) Had anal sex? (the use of fingers or any phallic objects in this case would also count.)
62 ) Attempted to seduce someone?
63 ) Had sex in the female superior position?
64 ) Received money or favors for sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation?
65 ) Gave your partner an orgasm while petting?
66 ) Had an orgasm at all?
67 ) Gave money or favors for sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation?
68 ) Been injured during sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation?
69 ) Allowed yourself to be seduced?
70 ) Had a date?
71 ) Dropped subtle hints to someone whom you liked, hoping for a reaction?
72 ) Given a back or neck rub or massage with ulterior motive?
73 ) Used tickling as a pick-up, get-to-kw-you-better routine?
74 ) Used physical prowess as a pickup routine?
75 ) Shared sleeping accommodations with someone without steamy happenings?
76 ) been watched while masturbating?
77 ) Had the symptoms of roman hands (roamin’ hands)?
78 ) Written anymous (love letters) to someone?
79 ) Asked someone who was t your so or had ever been if they were a virgin?
80 ) secretly lusted after someone without that person kwing?
81 ) Fantasized about anyone and masturbated at the same time?
82 ) Had an arousing dream? (wet dreams and the like.)
83 ) Fantasizied about someone in a superior position to you?
84 ) Ever had a subscription to porgraphic periodicals?
85 ) Fantasizied about someone in a professional relationship with you?
86 ) Been sexually aroused?
87 ) physically watched others having sex?
88 ) Fantasized about someone you kw personally but t closely?
89 ) Verbally expressed obscenities?
90 ) Read sexually explicit literature?
91 ) Shaved your genital pubic hair on a fairly regular basis?
92 ) Colored or bleached your genital pubic hair?
93 ) Stuffed your bra?
94 ) Made obscene phone calls?
95 ) Shaved your genital pubic hair?
96 ) Phoned up any live phone sex numbers?
97 ) Masturbated?
98 ) Gone skinny dipping alone?
99 ) Shaved or shaped your genital pubic hair in a particular design?
100 ) Had sex with a virgin? (not yourself.)

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